Welcome to my Website!

hey! i see you've found my neocities site. i'm working on this as i learn html coding actually, so don't expect anything too fancy just yet.

so! it's always good to introduce oneself, so why don't i do that? i'm cyndercat, also known as seidrcat on some sites. if you don't want to spell the whole word just cynder/seidr/cat works perfectly fine for me! i know for a fact that i'm fine with she/they, though i haven't experimented a lot with neopronouns yet.

hobbies! i like to draw when i have the opportunity and i read a lot of fanfiction. i also have a pokefarm that i've yet to link as well as my own ao3 account since apparently i also do writing. it surprised me too when i wrote and uploaded my first fic.

as for fandoms, well ... let me just show you a picture:

i'm not too active in the magic kaito fandom, though i'm a huge fan and actually can't wait for the new chapter in april! it's currently my main interest, though not the only one.

this probably isn't all and it mostly isn't weighted (mk and pokémon as my main interests just had to go to the top!) but it's what i've been thinking about lately!

i don't have much to add just yet, though i'd like to thank nevritvel for indirectly introducing me to this site. now let's see what else i can do...

BB bb